I have found many hearts left by an imperfection in the making of a sidewalk. I think maybe a stone or something gets into the mix and is so close to the surface of the concrete that as it is being leveled and smoothed the layer on the top is so thin that it eventually just give out and reveals what once was hidden. This is an especially good one but as you can see it has a little liter in it. A few twigs a leaf, some dirt and grass. All good things on their own and in the right place but in this heart they are just out of place. Sometimes we hide our love and it may take some leveling and smoothing to reveal it but when we do reveal it we need to keep it clean and free from anything that should not be there. Just like many components of love, they have their place and are good but it is our responsibility to know the right place and the right time and to maintain all things in good order.