My first memory of feeling talent was in 3rd grade. My teacher, Linda Connell observed me drawing a sailing ship with sails billowing in the wind. She asked me how I knew to draw the sails that way, I don't remember my response I just remember the feeling I had that, I must have known something special.
The next memory I have of feeling encouraged to draw was from my then brother in law, Kenny Chase. He and my sister Pam Young gave me a sketch pad and some pastels for Christmas. He suggested different things that I should try drawing and then I believe he asked me to help him with a chalk board in his high school classroom. I think I was 8 or 9 at that time.
My sixth grade teacher also encouraged me. I was asked to design and build, with several other girls in my class, a dragon for a play. It was fun and we did a great job.
I can't remember being too encouraged much after that until High School. My freshman art teacher was David Fuller. Isn't that a coincidence. He was very strict and expected us to turn in a still life drawing for everyday of the week. I felt it was a hard assignment and very time consuming but I did make the effort. I also was able to do some paintings that he seemed to really like. One of my paintings he asked if he could have to share as an example of work his students are doing. I never saw that piece again.
My sophomore year in High School I had a teacher that I really enjoyed. I think her name was Bettie Bow, She signed my year book, "Susan, it is very rewarding to have students like you. Keep up the good work..." She taught us jewelry making, pottery and some other free forms of art. I did well and enjoyed her class. I still have a piece or two of that work. Then I feel apart... Another coincident, I now have a granddaughter named, "Bou"
My junior year in school I had a teach that didn't think much of me and actually signed my year book, "Maybe art just isn't your bag." It seemed I couldn't do anything right. She really just didn't like me. I like the class though, I made some really good friends that I am still friends with and I did make some pieces of art that I still have.
My next success was during college, I wasn't taking any art related classes but my sister Peggy asked me if I wanted to take a painting class at the YMCA with her which I did. We had a great time and I learned a little more about my capabilities. From there on out I really just did fun paintings and was reminded occasionally that I wasn't a "real artist." What is with people? I really don't understand not encouraging and praising others for their efforts and passion. I painted a little with my oldest daughter when she was 5 so I could spend time with her alone. We entered Charmaine's painting in the State Fair and she won a 1st place ribbon for her oil painting.
I'm so excited to start this new chapter in my life. Following I will post some of the work that I have done in the last two years I will number them 1 through ? so that way you will know where I started.
right is mine.
Number 2 ish
Shapes, shadows, shades
Number 3 ish
Somewhere in here we painted 5 min. apples and more still life in sepia. I really liked painting the apples really fast. Rebecca asked me why I liked to paint fast and I said that I think it is because I am starting late and need to catch up.
Variations on the same theme... Gray scale, not very pretty
Number 4.. Same theme but sepia scale more detail. I really enjoyed painting this and felt a new energy to continue.
I really enjoyed this so I took it upon myself to paint pictures of my parents when they were younger. This was a labor of love.
Number 5ish Right after I started painting again I got super sick with pneumonia. I just stayed in bed and when I couldn't sleep I would draw and I did a lot of practicing. Some of these drawing were done without looking and so they look a little primitive, some are just pieces of a bigger picture, some are studies.
I think at this point I finally was able to go back to class and started on some fun projects. I really wanted to learn to paint landscape. The one of Weavers Needle is a study for a bigger painting that I would like to do for my husbands office. I would entitle it, "Almost Home". The story behind that is that when ever we go to the mountains and are coming home, I know we are almost home when I spot Weavers Needle.
Next Rebecca wanted to teach us how to paint flowers, or at least a rose.
So this brings me closer to today. I am wanting to start painting again. I really haven't done much in the last year because of the move and all. I have painted a few little things like practice painting strokes. Just for fun.
Then I wanted to paint a what I call "open bold stroke painting" I really like a painting that looks like a painting, but a good one. Rebecca gave he a picture of a master to copy but because I don't like to paint without a purpose, like learning isn't good enough, I said I would like to paint my dad in the same light.
Next I wanted some birds. I'm not really sure how I feel about them but my daughter in law liked them well enough to take them home and hang them on her wall.
So now we are in our new house and I'm all about happy colors and I want to paint Samuel and I in crazy bold colors so this is what I have done and these are the last of my paintings.
I'm really anxious to learn more and to truly become an artist. My kids and Samuel love my work but I want to love my work. I want to be happy with it and learn how to set up a scene. I want to feel inspired. I'm looking forward to new experiences and learning more.